Saturday, June 5, 2010

Future Plan

I tgh pening sekarang ni. I'm not sure sambung degree or's my plan, after diploma I keje for 2 or 3 years dalam bidang I sekarang(Masscomm), den after that baru la sambung degree. But I dunno what job to apply? and which position? I rase macam I ni xlayak je keje under Masscomm..I dunno what I can do, what skills i got and etc..Pening2..

The reason I plan keje after diploma just because wanna help my family, if I continue my study duit dah sah2 banyak kne the best way is WORK !! serious shit I love to work with magazine company, Fashion Magazine. but den I dun think so im good enough to work there..owh God please help me !! how am i gonna survive in this world? Shame on me.. :(